The program is nearing the end. We just got back from Siempre Verde today and have been packing our suitcases for our flights tomorrow. The Centro had a nice celebration to thank us for the work we did. It was a lot of fun eating the Tiramisu they made for us and dancing too. We are pretty tired but I think most of us are ready to get back home.
Siempre Verde was a great end to the trip because it was a place to reflect and think, all while relaxing. Last night in reflections, we discussed what we have learned over the course of this program and even some changes we are going to make when we return to the United States. Bob brought up a good point that this is really isn't the end, this is actually just the beginning. This experience isn't over and a lot of reflection will be done when we are back in the United States. Some of the things we've learned, we probably won't realize until days, weeks, or even months after the program ends.