Alright, time for the first blog posts! I take it I am writing to a bunch of anxious parents, worried for their little blossom's lives. Well so far everyone is alive... physically. But mentally and spiritually everyone is striving as well! I am taken back on how much my peers love to speak in Spanish. Everyone seems to be excited to talk in a different language as well as be in a new surroundings. Last night, everyone signed away their right to speak English. Everyone has really bought into the system and we are all simutaneously learning mucho. Today was (for almost everyone, I assume) the first day of nothing but Spanish. It was the longest duration of Spanish speaking in my life. I had fun, but my mind is still getting used to thinking in a new language. On top of complete immersion, we played a game of soccer and had our first Spanish class. It should only get better from here.
-Paul Fesenmeier