Tuesday July 7th
After waiting for what seemed like ETERNITY our first service project has finally come upon us. We split into two groups, where one helped paint a family's shed, and the others, like myself, went to tidy up the DePauw Natrue Park. The initial task seemed simple: clear the inundation of cattails that have taken over the pond. We were definitely in for a surprise when we learned that the only way to get rid of the roots was to get into the muddy, quicksand-like water. Initially we had fun splashing around and getting dirty (why not?) until we discovered the wrath of snakes, spiders and other creepy creatures. To our relief, we returned back to Montgomery to shower and get ready for dinner. After a delicious meal, we had are final discussion with Tim Good! We did our final mirror activity, columbian hypnosis and statue creations. You might want to ask your child for clarification of these odd, "torpe" ("awkward") team-building activities. FYI if your child comes home with shirts with beyond-the-hopes-of-clorox-stains, just blame it on the DePauw Natrue park pond!!
Maggie Cohen