This blog is going to be a bit different from the others. Although I am not known for my excellent knowledge of the Spanish Language, I am going to teach you parents one very important word that we have come to know very well. But…this lesson will have to wait until after I tell you what we did this beautiful day in the HUGE town of Greencastle. After we all dragged ourselves out of bed and had a breakfast of champions, we all went to Julian for class. Now, today’s class was a bit different than the others because Pablo, our teacher, was so kind to give us a quiz. I can’t speak for everyone, but let’s just say that I am ecstatic that this is not for a real grade! When class was over we had some free time before pasta, otherwise know as lunch. Pasta….and salad…. have become the only foods we know. After lunch we had a guest speaker who talked about the different service opportunities on campus. We also discussed our personal definitions of service and tied them in to what we would like to accomplish in Ecuador. Then we had another competition between our tribes…a game of softball. And this is where the word you have been waiting for comes in. Before today Colombia, the tribe in which I belong, had not won a single competition. A bit suspicious, no? So the Columbian tribe learned a word in which to describe the other teams, Tramposos! In English this word has the significance of….cheaters. However, today the universe corrected itself and the best tribe won…Colombia…hehe. Later tonight for our reflection, we had a guest speaker who did various activities with us which dealt with the Theatre of the Oppressed. Through these activities, I feel that we became a much closer group, and learned that we were all here for eachother! Chao!

- Austin Livesay